Studio Ghibli is an animation company here in Japan. The movies are incredibly popular, in Japan, and even around the world. The films are critically acclaimed world wide, Spirited Away (released in 2001) won an academy award for best animated film.
The films are infamous for deeply developed characters, antagonists and protagonists, and fully fleshed alternate worlds.
I love the films, my favorites are Howls Moving Castle, Whispers of the Heart, and Princess Mononke.
Today Ben and I went to the Studio Ghibli Museum. It was absolutely amazing. It was like stepping into an alternate universe. No phones or photography were allowed inside, which added to the magic, it was so easy to forget about the outside world.There were moving pictures, and stain glass. There were windows that looked out onto magical worlds. There were strips of film that ran like mystical snakes through the rooms and projected a film in at 20 different places in 20 different directions so that you could start at what ever part you wanted, or just watch the film slide by like a magical snake. Nothing felt real. I felt like I had stepped into a place on earth where every era and place, past, present and future where refined to only the best, it felt like a cozy cottage, but also like a time machine.
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